Tips on Shopping for a Diamond Engagement Ring


diamond ring

We Jewelers at Carats and Stones love to see newly engaged couples. We see the excitement in the gentleman for his diamond ring choice and how enchanted the woman is with her new ring and the prospect of her future with the man she loves. Sometimes we even hear how happy the man is that she actually said “YES”! Ladies we do want you to know how difficult it is for your boyfriend to pick out your engagement ring at times. He knows the importance of this symbol of his love for you and needs guidance. Gentlemen, realize there is an investment to be made in this symbol of love and your jeweler will want to make sure you understand the value of what you are investing in.

Since we see couples frequently for engagement ring shopping, we’ve come up with some tips for couples to keep in mind when shopping for a ring.

1. Go shopping together. Ladies if you are at all picky about your engagement ring, diamond or otherwise it is so important for you to shop with your significant other. Showing him what you like or sending him photos so when he goes to make this all important purchase he knows what you like. We can tell you when we're working with a gentleman on a ring it isn’t uncommon to ask him if there is a picture in your phone of what your girlfriend likes and usually there is one.

2. Be Realistic. Often times when couples come in, there can be an unrealistic desire for a very large diamond center stone. Please remember that the larger the diamond the more expensive the diamond along with other factors. Try not to put too much pressure on each other and realize your jeweler will find you the largest center stone for your budget.

3. Have a Budget.


While we are on the subject, definitely have a budget in mind when you're thinking about shopping for an engagement ring and let your jeweler know what it is. We want to help you get the best value for your budget and if we know what that is, we can work hard on your behalf to get you what you want or as close to what you want as possible. We know this is a big purchase and we jewelers are here to look out for your best interests. Typically one can plan on three months wages but what we like to say is go with what you feel you can afford. Many stores and independent jewelers also have convenient interest deferred payment plans and if those fit your budget then you may want to take advantage of those 

4. Plan Your Time frame. Have a time frame in mind for when you would like to get engaged. If you’re buying a ready made ring then this isn’t as much of an issue but if you are having anything custom made you need to give yourself four to six weeks to make sure everything goes well. Since all jewelers will have different time-frames for their custom work you will need to work with that so your jeweler can get it for you in a timely manner.

5. Enjoy the Process.


This is a very important time in your life and it’s meant to be joyful and special. Don’t be rushed in your decision making and enjoy the process. We jewelers want you to feel good and confident about this important purchase. It’s one of the greatest symbols of love and we want it to be perfect for you.

We at Carats and Stones hope these quick tips help you in your shopping endeavor for a diamond engagement ring.

Happy Shopping!!!

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